Our Businesses

Multiple business platforms – a foundation of excellence

Through our businesses we continuously strive to maintain a foundation of operational excellence, delivering superior results in the provision of services and products to all our customers. The Stassen Group is endowed with product diversity, offering a unique and differentiated structure for future growth.

Stassen Tea

Since our advent in 1977 as a tea company, Stassen has evolved into a diversified group complete with a portfolio that spans a broad spectrum of ventures.

Produce Exports

The Stassen produce exports division was initiated in 1982. Today, three decades into our operations, we are strategically positioned to export produce of the very best quality.

FMCG Imports

At Stassen, we are proud of our strong business portfolio in consumer brands and our ability to source best-quality products from Europe, North America, Australia and Asia.

Diversified Investments

As an organisation that maintains a long term investment horizon, our investment portfolio reflects our presence within a series of diverse and thriving economic sectors.


Managing Asia’s largest milk powder packing plant, Lanka Milk Foods (LMF) is actively involved in providing quality nourishment to the nation.


The Distilleries Company of Sri Lanka (DCSL), Sri Lanka’s oldest and most distinguished wine and spirits establishment, celebrates its centennial year in 2013.


Stassen Natural Foods (Pvt) Ltd is the pioneer producer of certified Organic Tea worldwide, and the tradition of certified organic cultivation continues today at the Idulgashinna Bio Tea Garden