
As a Group, we are deeply committed to the development and promotion of sustainable practices. Building a culture of responsibility is central to our vision, wherein we protect the environment and help build stronger communities. Business units across our Group have pioneered programs specific to their sectors, directed towards environmental sustainability and community welfare. Furthermore, our businesses have set industry standards over the years in areas such as sustainable farming, quality control, renewable energy, green infrastructure, and carbon footprint management.


A Culture of Sustainability

Stassen is dedicated to conserving and reducing its environmental footprint. The promise of developing sustainable solutions resonates within our business model and environmental stewardship remains as a core feature of our operational procedures.

Rainforest Alliance Certification

As a part of our pledge to conserve environmental biodiversity and support local communities, Balangoda Plantations PLC has achieved Rainforest Alliance certification for 9 of its estates. To earn the certification, growers must pro-actively pursue sustainable agricultural practices that help protect the surrounding environment and wildlife, and the rights and well-being of all employees and local communities.

Rainforest Alliance certification helps to protect and conserve the natural environment through prevention of pollution, efficient utilization of resources, effective waste management practices and promotion of environmental awareness among the plantation communities, as well as to improve the quality of life and economic viability of plantation workers through better management practices and improved access to decent housing, health care and education for their children. Plantations that meet the rigorous environmental, social and economic standards of Rainforest Alliance certification contribute towards building a more sustainable future for all stakeholders.

We are happy to offer tea from Rainforest Alliance Certified™ plantations.


Investing in the Community

The Group enjoys a long history of commitment and success in our efforts to create positive and material impacts on the communities within which we serve. Providing housing infrastructure and creating systems that promote social welfare constitute a few of the direct ways in which we strive to enrich community life.

Social Welfare – Our Collective Effort

Remaining committed to the promise of an improved quality of life for all plantation workers, various facilities are provided to the plantation workers and their families. Spearheading these initiatives is the Estate Worker Housing Co-operative Society (EWHCS). Under the aegis of this society, various working groups such as the Housing Committee, Water Committee, Child Development Committee, Sports Committee, etc., have been formed to address the community’s needs and living standards and to facilitate the various developmental works initiated.

Housing Infrastructure – Upgrading Physical Capital

Stassen believes in improving social indicators such as housing and infrastructure on the estates under our management. Upgrading sanitation facilities, assisting authorities in implementing water supply schemes, and supporting the modernization of home units are some the of key tasks undertaken to improve the rural infrastructure and standard of living on the estates.


Protecting Our People

The Group enjoys a long history of commitment and success in our efforts to create positive and material impacts on the communities within which we serve. Providing housing infrastructure and creating systems that promote social welfare constitute a few of the direct ways in which we strive to enrich community life.

Enabling Our Employees – Training and Development

We invest significantly in the training and development of our people to enable them to do their very best. All plantation employees including Estate Workers, Medical Staff, Senior Managers, Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents are regularly exposed to relevant capacity training and skills building. A plethora of workshops and programs are regularly conducted to enable staff to improve their knowledge base and work ethos.

Safety and Health – Building a Healthier Community

Ensuring the health and safety of all our employees is of paramount importance. Preventive practices are instilled and periodically assessed, with health and safety measures formally established in order to avoid work injuries, especially for employees in our factories. Overall preemptive precautions are in place to create a safe working environment.

Child Care – Company Interventions

Providing inclusive child care services to the estate communities is a major activity that is carried out with a sense of keen responsibility in order to create a stable environment for our plantation workers and their families. Our programs focus on the reduction of communicable and non-communicable diseases, improving infant and early childhood development indicators, and the provision of Child Development Centers (CDCs) where infants and toddlers of working mothers are looked after during the daytime. Awareness and related programs are conducted wherein nutrition and the reduction of infant mortality are regularly addressed.